Adversarial Learning

Episode 6: Good Data Science Is Always Political

Is good data science always political? Our regularly scheduled guest had to cancel at the last minute, so Joel and Andrew decided to...

Episode 5: The Legend of Plas Vander

Our guest is Jake VanderPlas, who is a real Data Science Fellow at the UW eScience Institute, and is the author of the recently...

Episode 4: Datasets We Hate

Our guest this week is Sarah Guido (@sarah_guido), Senior Data Scientist at Mashable. We discuss datasets we hate, how to pronounce "La...

Episode 3: Beantown Data Science

Our guest this week is Andrew Therriault (@therriaultphd), Chief Data Officer for the city of Boston. We talk about data science in the...

Episode 2: The Tallest Data Scientist

Our guest this week is Tim Hopper (@tdhopper), the tallest data scientist. We discuss life, blogs, robots, Twitter, and other...

Episode 1: A New Hope

Hey, we recorded an episode! In the first episode, Joel and Andrew cover who they are, how they met, how they got into data science, why...

🎵 Welcome

Welcome to Adversarial Learning, our new podcast.

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